Get into the creative spirit of South Australian artist Cassie Zaccardo (@cassiezaccardo_art). We did a Q&A about her art process, passions, and inspiration, so read on to find out more!
Growing up, did you come from a creative family?

I don’t think I realised it at the time but looking back now both my parents were very creative in different ways. My Mum has always loved sewing and crafts – she made most of our clothes as kids. My Dad loved playing the guitar and harmonica, so was creative in that way.
What’s your favourite season?
Hmm, I’m very torn between Summer and Winter. I do really love coming home on a winter’s day, getting into comfy trackies and staying in for the night with my family.
What creative project were you nervous about starting that turned out better than you imagined?

I think my very first Watercolour Muse calendar. It wasn’t really planned in advance. I decided one weekend to set myself a challenge of creating this calendar to launch to my customers and published the idea on my socials so it would hold me accountable. My followers were so supportive and followed along for the journey. It was so exciting to see a product come to life simply from an idea and have it received so well when I launched.
What’s an art medium you love and one that’s more of a challenge?
I would say Watercolour is a medium that I love but it’s also a challenge. It can be so unpredictable, but I think that’s also what makes it so special to work with – you never quite know how the artwork will turn out. It makes each piece one of a kind and hard to replicate.
How do you tackle art block?

I’ve found this a huge challenge since becoming a Mum and not having as much time to create anymore. I find that dedicating a good amount of time to create is really important to me. If I try to create art when I’m short on time or rushed, I don’t enjoy the process at all. I never used to do much research or look for inspiration when planning an artwork, but now, I find it really inspiring to create a Pinterest board and fill it with images of the theme I’m looking to turn into an artwork.
If you had no timeframe, what would you love to create?
Where do I start? I’d love to create a large collection of original intuitive abstract paintings and have them all professionally framed. I’d also love to expand my range of artwork into new products like stationery, tote bags, wall decals, etc.
Where do you look for creative inspiration?

I love Pinterest and have been using Pinterest boards as theme inspiration for new art print collections. I am always inspired by a lot of the artists I follow on Instagram. Music has been, and always will be, a big inspiration for me as sometimes I hear a song and just want to paint. I couldn’t create without music!
What does a Friday night look like for you?
Trackies, hoodie, slippers, my partner and son on the couch with me, plus probably takeaway and a quiet night in 😊
What are your tips on how to improve at art?

Practice, practice, practice. Experiment and play around. Watch YouTube videos and tutorials and follow artists that you love for inspiration. You are only ever going to learn by doing. Have fun and just create whatever it is you love to create.
If you had a time machine, where and when would you go?
I wouldn’t want to change a single thing about my life but when I was 19, I opened my very own shop in Mount Gambier called ‘Lil Sass’, where I sold jewellery, fashion accessories, gifts and my artwork. I’d love to go back and relive that time again. I was so young and didn’t have the experience I do now in sales and marketing. It was such a special experience, and it would be amazing to relive it knowing what I know now.
We’re feeling totally inspired by Cassie’s approach to creating. She has taught us to take our time and don’t rush ourselves when creating – it’s worth setting aside the time for.
See more about @cassiezaccardo_art by checking out our gallery, where her art journey is featured! Stock up on watercolours and watercolour paper to kick-start your creative endeavours! If you feel inspired to explore painting, #montmarteart or tag us @montmarteart on Instagram or Facebook. We’d love to see what you come up with!
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