Create a female portrait drawing with illustration markers
Grab your markers and get creative with this simple, female portrait line drawing. Continuous line drawings are easy to create and make great home décor pieces, that you can proudly hang around the home or gift to a friend
Drawing an outline first will help structure the continuous line.
With a continuous line drawing, it’s best to keep moving and try not to lift your marker off the page. To begin draw a small, straight horizontal line.
Take this line upwards vertically, then loop it, to bring the line back down to the starting point in a swift motion.
Pull the pen back upwards to create the arm.
Then bring the pen out towards the edge and draw four small bunny hops for fingers, then curve the line back around and down.
Pull the pen back down to create the arm.
Then loop the line and pull the pen back up towards the arm.
Pull the pen up and around for the head.
Then add a small hooked, curve shape and join this to the other side, pulling down.
Then take this line outwards again.
Then loop it slightly and pull down.
Pull the line upward again and let the line join the other.
Let the marker go over the same line to keep your pen on the page.
Go upwards then loop slightly and pull the pen down to the other side to create the head.
Stop close to the end and then add four bunny hops for hands.
Then pull this line back down for hands.
Pull the line back down and rest at the starting point (align with the starting point on the other side).
Then loop slightly and bring the pen back up.
Move the pen sharply and then dip the pen back vertically for shoulders.
Then curve this shape downwards for an arm.
Pull the pen down until it reaches the starting point again.
Then let the line go back upward to meet the other arm.
Take this line back up to where the arms start (going over any lines).
Then go over the head line again and add a curve shape for the other side of the hair.
Stop the line before it reaches the hands then loop it.
Then bring the line back down to the shoulder.
Then bring this line down, on top of the arm.
Going over the same line near the elbow again, the pen will reach the starting point.
Going over the arm line, draw a small oval shape.
Then go over this same shape to bring your pen around to draw the cup of the mug.
Give the mug a bottom with a short, straight shape.
Then loop this shape across the front of the mug.
Bring the loop to the other side of the mug. Then bring the line back up (without marrying the lines to form a shape), bring the line out horizontally and curve.
Loop that line around so your pen reaches a vertical direction then bring this line up to form the cup shape.
Go over the circle of the mug so your pen is back to the starting point.
Finish the artwork off by adding a horizontal line to mirror the starting point.
All done!
Material List
- Illustration Marker Set Premium 29pc