27 Apr 2022Mont Marte
DIYDrawingEasyLess than 1hr

Create an easy family portrait drawing

Celebrate everyone in your family with this easy family portrait drawing project. Watch as your little creator, picks up their pencils and creates a w... Read more

Celebrate everyone in your family with this easy family portrait drawing project. Watch as your little creator, picks up their pencils and creates a wonderful keepsake or artwork that can be easily framed and displayed in the home.

Celebrate everyone in your family with this easy family portrait drawing project. Watch as your little creator, picks up their pencils and creates a wonderful keepsake or artwork that can be easily framed and displayed in the home.

This project helps with fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination as your little artist picks up the pencils and draws each member of their family. This project also helps to develop visual analysis and creative problem solving as they tap into their imagination to picture their family before creating.

Girl choosing coloured pencils to begin drawing a family portrait artwork.

Have a think before putting pencil to paper and pick out the colours they’d like to use.  Consider which setting or background they’d want to have in their portrait, are their family at home, at the beach, at the park, in the backyard or do they have another special place they’d like to include?

Girl draws a family portrait using coloured pencils on a book with colourful borders.

Now it’s been decided, let’s get creating! Begin by drawing the outlines or a brief sketch of their family (don’t let them forget themselves too). You can create a brief outline or sketch each person in, whichever works for your little artist. We’ve used coloured pencils for this activity, but feel free to reach for markers or even watercolour pencils to create something even more colourful.

Two young children colouring in with coloured pencils.

With a sketch or outline done, it’s now time to add in some detail and make your drawing more life-like. In this step, they can even include fur babies and the family pet too. Then add any extra details such as clothes, facial features (like glasses or beards) and accessories like jewellery.

Girl draws a family portrait using an orange coloured pencil.

Now add in your surroundings and backgrounds. Are there trees, grass, clouds or birds in this scene? Have a think of what they’d see in the place they’re thinking of, then draw it in.

Girl finishes drawing of a family portrait on a book with colourful borders.

Now is the time for the final finishing touches! Add in any extra detail before you finish. Don’t forget to add your little artist’s name or signature to the bottom - all good artists sign their masterpieces! Then your little creator’s artwork is ready to gift, frame and show off their new portrait drawing with family and friends.

Material List

  • Colour Pencils Signature 12pc
  • My Framed Drawing Book A4

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