Say hi to Perth artist Nathan Lovick (@hubartsplash), also known as Hub. He’s all about making abstract art with good vibes and manipulating colours to change the energy of his paintings. Find out more about his journey and passions as an artist by reading our interview down below!
1. How did it feel when you started to show people your work for the first time?

When I first started painting, I never had any intention of doing this for a living, not realising I would be completely hooked. I just did it for fun. But crazily enough, from the very first paintings I did, as soon as I showed people, they loved them and asked me to buy them. I was just happy someone would take the time to look.
2. Do you have an organised home or a bustling home? What does your creative space look like?
My entire house has basically turned into a studio. I have art drying in practically every room. My house is now just a studio with a bedroom, kitchen and bathroom. It would be a long stretch to say it’s organised, but I am very organised with my art and space I create in. I may have worn holes in the floor in two different rooms, but I always know where everything is.
3. When was the last time you had a creative buzz after you made something?

I don’t feel like I ever stop having the buzz. And during each part of the process, it feels like it’s my favourite part. Until the next part, which then feels like it’s my favourite part. I just feel completely blessed and lucky that I have something like art that brings so much enjoyment.
4. Who would you switch lives with for a day?
Nobody. I love my life. Maybe Max Verstappen? I’d love to be able to drive an F1 car the way he does.
5. When do you find that you’re most creative?

Whenever I’m awake. I feel extremely lucky that I have a never-ending urge to create. The biggest problem I have is not having enough hours in the day to fit it all in.
6. How has social media influenced your art journey?
My social media game is quite terrible. I have never done the greatest job of marketing myself because I have always made the art my primary focus.
In saying that, I have been very fortunate to have people from all over the world buy my paintings and most of them found my art through my Instagram.
7. How do you pick your artwork subject matter?

My intention when making art is to put a frequency of positive energy into the world. Each piece really comes from the ones before it and a never-ending curiosity to find out what would happen if I did this… It is a pretty simple process, but I find that less thought is often the way to go. Just follow your heart and do what feels like the right thing to do at the time.
8. Where do you like to go to unwind?
I love to walk. I walk around the river in Perth as much as I can, and I find I have my best thoughts when I raise my heart rate.
9. What time period or decade would you go back to for creative inspiration?
I feel like I am very focused on being in the present, here and now, and to create the art of today. So, I’m not sure I would want to go to any other time.
10. What’s a valuable creative lesson you’ve learned?

Do what comes most naturally to you. For me, I have a natural inclination to recognise patterns. So, when I started out, I just sketched a bunch of shapes on a canvas and started to colour them in. I didn’t realise it was a thing until I saw that other people did similar things.
See more about @hubartsplash by checking out our gallery, where his art journey is featured! Stock up on paints and canvases so you can make art with good vibes just like Hub. If you feel inspired to get painting and drawing, #montmarteart or tag us @montmarteart on Instagram or Facebook. We’d love to see what you come up with!
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