02 Oct 2024Mont Marte

Do you dream of being creative but struggle to find the time or motivation to make artwork daily? Well, fear not! With a few simple tips and tricks, you can make art a part of your daily routine and discover your creative side! It’s easier than it sounds – trust us. Doing something a little arty each day (even if it’s just doodling while on the phone) is good for the brain and soul.

Creative goals

Hand with pen doodling scallop pattern in rectangle shape


The key to success for any dream or aspiration is setting realistic goals. Instead of aiming to create a masterpiece every day, start small and set aims that are achievable. Whether it's sketching for 5 minutes without intention, creating a daily journal header, experimenting with a new technique, or mindlessly doodling, breaking your creative tasks into manageable chunks will make them feel less daunting. Make your daily goals a little diverse if it starts feeling like a ‘chore’, so you shake up your routine and make things a little less repetitive.


The main aim is to do at least one creative thing every day. Simple as that! Some days you may want to do more, some days less. And that’s all part of the process.

Creative space

Short haired person using Creative Art Station surrounded by art supplies


Having a designated space to create can work wonders for productivity and motivation. Whether it's a corner of your living room, a spare room turned into a studio, or a portable art kit that you take wherever you go, give yourself a space to retreat and create. This will make it easier to incorporate daily creativity into your life, as when you open the kit or sit down at your desk, your mind is ready to get arty and imaginative. It also helps increase focus, as you flip a switch to creative mode when you get set up!

Make use of dead time

Drawing two birds in love in front of a sketching set


We all have those pockets of time throughout the day when we're waiting for something – whether it's waiting for the bus, watching the kettle boil, or waiting for a big file to download. Instead of idly scrolling through your phone or getting lost in anxious thoughts, why not use these moments to squeeze in a little art? Carry a sketchbook or a portable art kit (e.g., our Sketching Set in Wallet)with you wherever you go, so you jump on these opportunities! Sketch, doodle, or jot down ideas whenever inspiration strikes. You’d be surprised how often you can create once you start seizing the moment!

Embrace your art mistakes

Electric eraser being used on seahorse drawing


One of the most common barriers to creating is the fear of failure. But here's the thing – art is all about experimentation and learning from your mistakes. Ask any artist – they’ll agree! Embrace imperfection and allow yourself to create 'bad' art (no art is bad, but you know what we mean!). Remember, every doodle, sketch, or painting is a steppingstone on your creative journey, and each step brings you closer to finding your inner artist. Everyone can create, and we mean everyone. It’s all about time, experimentation, and freedom!

Creative inspo is everywhere

Person in dress and hat painting bridge outdoors


Inspiration is all around us – in nature, everyday objects, the people we meet, the stories we tell, and the world we inhabit. Train yourself to notice the beauty and wonder around you and use it to fuel your creativity! Not only will this improve your art and keep your imagination flowing, but you may find your outlook on life picking up too. It’s nice to notice beauty in the ordinary.


Keep a sketchbook or a camera handy to capture interesting scenes, patterns, or moments that catch your eye, and use them as inspo for your daily art practice. This is also a great way to preserve moments in your life that you want to remember and look back on, just like a photo album but with art!

Different art mediums

Hand being modelled with air hardening clay on a banding wheel


Variety is the spice of life – and the same goes for art! Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and experiment with different mediums, colours, and techniques. Whether it's watercolours, charcoal, pouring, ink, clay, collage, or whatever takes your fancy, just remember to shake it up and stay on your toes. Trying out new mediums will keep your creative juices flowing and help prevent boredom or burnout. Plus, it’ll help you find yourself as an artist! Who knows – you might discover a new passion or talent along the way.

Creative habits

Person with short hair painting colourful eye canvas on easel


Like any habit, consistency is key.  There are going to be days you don’t want to create, trust us. And if you miss a day here and there – that’s okay – you’re only human! Don’t let it steal your momentum or set you back. Habits come with time, practice, and patience, so don’t be too hard on yourself if it doesn’t click right away. Keeping your goals and expectations realistic will help you stay focused, and establishing a space to create will help cement a routine.


If you like to plan ahead, feel free to set aside a specific time each day to get arty, whether it's first thing in the morning, during your lunch break, on the train, or right before bed. By making art part of your daily routine, you'll gradually build skills and momentum, with motivation coming more easily with time. You’ve got this!

Celebrate the little wins!

Person with shoulder length hair smiling pouring paints


Finally, don't forget to celebrate your progress and accomplishments along the way! It may be completing a week of daily art, mastering a new technique, or simply feeling proud of a piece you've created - just make sure you take time to acknowledge the win! Not only will this boost your confidence and self-esteem, but it’ll fuel your motivation to continue making art every day.


One of our team members held an at-home gallery night to celebrate her artwork among mates and we love that idea! Grab some cheese, crackers, and drinks and proudly display your art for your loved ones – you may even make a sale, who knows! Your creativity is plenty of reason to celebrate.



Daily creating is not just about sharpening your skills – it's about expressing yourself in new and exciting ways. So, what are you waiting for? Grab some brushes, pencils, clay, or whatever takes your fancy, and let your imagination run wild!


If you do get creating, let us know by tagging us on Instagram or Facebook @montmarteart or use #montmarteart to show us what you come up with.


Stay up-to-date with the latest projects, inspo, tips, and tricks, by joining Creative Connection and signing up down below.