How to paint a forest
1. Canvas prep
- Divide the canvas into 8 equal grids and place 8 grids on your reference sheet for guidance (this is especially helpful for beginners!)
- Tint the canvas using acrylics by mixing Crimson with a touch of Phthalo Blue
- Apply using a large gesso brush
- This layer adds underlying warmth to the colours on top and prevents white from peeking through
- Let the canvas dry completely
2. Painting trees
- Paint the trees using Lamp Black acrylic, thinned with a little water for better flow
- Refer to your reference sheet and vary the angles and thicknesses of the trees for a natural look
- Use the edge of your Filbert brush to create finer branches
- Allow to dry completely
3. Adding the forest floor
- Moving on to the oils!
- Squeeze out Medium Yellow, Orange Yellow, Vermillion, Lemon Yellow, Light Green, Sap Green, and Titanium White oil paints on your palette
- Use a white charcoal pencil to mark the line where the forest floor will be
- Paint the forest floor with Sap Green mixed with Lemon Yellow, varying the greens and adding different tones for interest
- Be careful when painting between the trees
4. How to paint leaves
- This is an Autumn scene so the leaves will painted in yellows, oranges, and some greens
- Using a Filbert brush in short, dabbing motions, apply leaves over the trees
- Don’t clean your brush between colours to allow natural blending and a range of subtle colours
- Paint smaller leaves in the background between the trees using a smaller Filbert brush
5. How to paint the sun
- The sun is low in the sky, peeking through the trees
- Paint a circle with Titanium White between the trees
- Surround the white circle with light yellow, then orange, to suggest the sun's glow
- Scumble yellow onto nearby branches and stumps to enhance the glow
- To scumble, load your brush with colour, wipe off the excess, and lightly drag it over the dry underlayer
6. How to paint the sky
- Now it’s time to paint the negative spaces between branches and around leaves
- Squeeze out Lemon Yellow, Orange Yellow, Vermillion, Violet, Phthalo Blue, and Titanium White on your palette
- Blend each colour into white, keeping the colour pure at the top so you have a colour gradient on your palette
- Radiate colours from the sun, transitioning from Lemon Yellow + White, to Orange Yellow + White, to Vermillion + White, to Violet + White, and finally to Phthalo Blue
- This slow transition creates a realistic sky effect
7. Final Touches
- Create a very light mix with Titanium White, a little Raw Umber, and a touch of Violet
- Scumble this mix onto the trees for a subtle coat
- Add shadows with black to enhance depth and realism
Voila! This project is a great combination of structured techniques and creative freedom. Enjoy the process and explore more landscapes with your newfound skills.
Double Thick Canvas Premium 60.9 x 152.4cm 24 x 60in)
Satin Acrylic Paints: Crimson, Phthalo Blue, Lamp Black
- Oil Paints: Medium Yellow, Orange Yellow, Vermillion, Lemon Yellow, Light Green, Sap Green, Titanium White, Raw Umber, Violet, Phthalo Blue
- Acrylic Gesso Brush Premium 6
- Artist Brush Taklon Filbert Premium 16
- Small Acrylic Brushes
- White Charcoal Pencil
- Tear-Off Paper Palette
- Water and container for rinsing brushes
- Paper towels or cloth